
Thursday, August 11, 2011

East Canyon, dusk jaunt

Location: East Canyon Trailhead (unknown trail)
For this, I tried something new.  I left the recorder going for the entire hike.  I had thought this would give me more material to put to video, but it didn't.  In fact, because everything got recorded, the neat stuff didn't get the attention it deserved.  It also made me feel like I should commentary track everything, and that is just a bad idea all around!

Anyway, this was a dusk hike with my brother at the summit of the East Canyon road north east of Salt Lake City.  You can either reach East Canyon by going up Immigration or Parleys.  The road to east canyon is gated during the winter since there is no snow removal, so if it's early or late in the season check to see if it's opened yet (the gate is just past Dell reservoir).

This is a beautiful hike that's up high enough to avoid the heat of the valley.  It has minimal elevation gain and meanders through many fields of wildflowers.  It also has great views of the upper Rockies.  On a clear night with a large moon there's plenty of light to navigate the trail, making it perfect for dusk or night hikes.  Watch out though, there's quite a lot of wildlife, we happened upon a porcupine who waylaid us briefly both times we passed.

Check ahead of time if you plan on bringing pets.  Some of these trails (on the south east side) are watershed and do not allow pets, others (on the north west side) aren't, and pets are allowed.  Ensure they are allowed on your planned trail before you arrive!

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